


Jan Lazzara

Vice President

Joanelle Cook


Jennifer Boydston


Misty Evans

Membership Secretary

Jacqueline Milburn


Tammy Cruze (until a new President takes office)

Sheila Edginton - ends 2027

Brenna Meko - ends 2027

Gina Massolo - ends 2026

Steve Lombardi - ends 2026

David Higginbotham - ends 2025

Karen Kaiser - ends 2025




Membership at NVHA

You can choose from Full Membership or Associate Membership

Full Membership benefits:

  • Access to the property to ride in the amazing arena, obstacle course and10 acre pasture trails 
  • Access to Horse Boarding
  • Voting rights to guide the Club's direction
  • Preferred pricing on select club events
  • Free auditing of clinics on the property

Associate membership benefits: 

  • full access to the property
  • Preferred pricing on select club events
  • Free auditing of clinics on the property
  • no voting rights
  • may not ride on the property
  • Great for folks that want to solely spend time on the property to enjoy the social aspect or for Family members of full members that do not ride.

We have monthly membership meetings with a potluck that provides opportunities to be in touch with fellow horse people and be part of the community

Check our website and social media to stay up to date with our events throughout the year.  We offer:

  • Clinics of varied topics including general horsemanship, Vaquero Style riding, Mounted Archery to name a few
  • Group Trail rides at Point Reyes, the beach,  Running I Ranch , etc 
  • Schooling shows for all ages
  • Poker rides and Halloween Costume Contest
  • Easter egg hunt
  • Makers Market
  • Obstacle competitions

Our horse shows are a great way to tune your horse up, get young horses used to the excitement and improve your showmanship. Many families make the horse shows a family affair with all participating, particularly the junior riders. 
Our yearly Crab Feed and our December Holiday Party are just two of the fun get-togethers. Being an all volunteer club, we have many committees to choose from to help keep the club a viable resource to the Napa Valley community.

As with any club we rely on member volunteer participation to put many of these events on and we welcome anybody who is interested in contributing to the variety of our activities. 

There are many opportunities for our members to participate in activities  throughout the year such as committees, social events, property workdays, etc.  You can't have too much fun!

How to become a Member

Click on the link below and fill out the application.    

The petition needs signatures of your sponsors  who need to be current NVHA members, or the NVHA Membership Secretary. Once you have submitted your application, the membership secretary will contact you and ask you to come to a general membership meeting (every first monday of the month, unless it's a Holiday, then it's the Monday after). Check out the calendar under the Events Tab. You will be introduced and then your application will go into our Newsletter. At the following Board Meeting your application will be voted on by the Board of Directors. The process takes about 2 months. You will be notified by the membership secretary and be given the property rule book and access codes and will be added to the Newsletter distribution. Easy as Pie!

The annual dues are $90.00 per person and $180 for Family Membership,  payable by the February general membership meeting of the year.